Worked to drive engagement through commenting and liking to communicate with followers Promote other mediums and encourage further engagement from our followers Maintain and build upon our current level of engagement Focus an equal amount of attention on different mediums Hedonic content is the most engaging and thought leader is effectiveness Wine event posts! Tag another relevant organization that featured in the post WeKnowWine! Vine Collective Promotion Thought Leader: Wine-Food Matching Instagram Performance Introduction Lifestyle post: DIY Facebook Performance Endorsement Thought Leader: Wine Events Recommendations Hedonic Facebook 112 likes Average post reach 51, page reach 121 Average engagement rate - 9.5% Average total engagement - 6.77 Photo posts reached more people than links - 90 vs. created introductory content first to make our presence and identity more substantial online Posts follow four main themes Determined and focused on posts most popular with followers. Built an audience from Vine Collectives followers and WA wineries to create a target market.

Transcript: Launched Instagram account as our initial social media platform to gain attention quickly.